UN Peacebuilding Commission and International Geneva - Taking Stock of Peacebuilding Capacity - GCSP, Avenue de la Paix 7bis, 12 September 2007, from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
This conference will present the initial results of a mapping exercise regarding Geneva-based organisations involved in peacebuilding activities. It will examine the makeup of the international Geneva peacebuilding landscape and the types of peacebuilding capacities and expertise available in Geneva. The conference is addressed to the international Geneva community of diplomatic missions, donors, practitioners, policy makers and academics.
This is one component of the "The UN Peacebuilding Commission and International Geneva" project undertaken by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), in collaboration with the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva (QUNO), the Graduate Institute for International Studies (HEI/PSIS) and the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF). Financial support for some aspects of the project has been provided by the Geneva International Academic Network (GIAN).
Since late 2005, the GCSP and its partners have organised a series of events and public discussions looking at the implications for international Geneva of the UN Peacebuilding Commission. To complement these ongoing discussions, it was decided to undertake an analytical mapping of the peacebuilding capacities and expertise of Geneva-based stakeholders. Over 60 Geneva-based organizations have participated in the project. A searchable database, entitled the "International Geneva Peacebuilding Guide" will be available online under www.gcsp.ch from 12 September 2007 and will contain information about the specific peacebuilding activities of Geneva-based organisations.
For any further queries, please contact Mr. Andreas Schuetz: a.schuetz@gcsp.ch – 022/906.16.63