All Small Grants for 2006
Risks due to natural hazards and exposed populations are increasing, especially in coastal areas, and mountainous regions, where more people continue to live. Natural disasters create humanitarian crises and seriously impact poverty alleviation goals. Earthquakes and tsunamis continue to cause the highest number of deaths but more common hazards, especially flooding, landslides and debris flow – affect great numbers of people and their livelihoods. Nonetheless, natural resources management and natural barriers are often not included...
This text exists in French only.
Cette conférence porte sur les questions d’internationalisation économique, de développement humain et de gouvernance en Asie ; le cas du Vietnam sert de référence au débat. Cet évènement a eu lieu au mois de Décembre 2006, date anniversaire de la proclamation par le gouvernement vietnamien, il y a vingt ans, d’une orientation économique nouvelle, le Doi Moi, ou Renouveau. Depuis, ce pays est devenu un modèle, de transition progressive réussie vers l’économie de marché, de croissance économique...
War and conflict know no linguistic boundaries. Language specialists often play an essential role in intelligence gathering before and during a conflict. Ending a conflict and delivering emergency and humanitarian aid across language barriers represents a major challenge, for which few of the organizations entrusted with operations in the field are linguistically well equipped. This problem is compounded by a chronic shortage of interpreters in zones of crisis and war willing to work in the line of fire or in areas of natural disaster....
This text exists in French only.
Genève internationale est une mine d’or d’informations... souvent invisibles. Elle pourrait cependant servir d’observatoire des changements planétaires: en devenant un terrain privilégié pour exercer, en situation réelle, des journalistes du monde entier (du Sud comme du Nord) à la couverture des enjeux globaux. Cette démarche aurait plusieurs impacts : 1) large diffusion de ces enjeux ; 2) visibilité internationale de Genève et de ses acteurs; 3) réseau mondial de journalistes sensibilisés aux...
Public health research is carried out in increasingly complex and challenging environments. Such research while having the potential to benefit communities and populations also has the possibility of harming individuals who take part in this research. The responsibility for protection of research participants lies not only with the ethics review committees and the sponsors of research, but also with the investigators and all those who are part of the research team. Numerous guidance documents exist, but there is limited experience and...
Over the last four years, WFUNA has organised a series of Seminars aimed at demystifying the Human Rights Commission. Since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, WFUNA has considered the defence and promotion of human rights as an intrinsic part of its mission. March 2006 witnessed the replacing of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights with a standing Human Rights Council, indicating a major step forward for the advancement and protection of human rights worldwide. WFUNA therefore decided to collaborate...
During the last twenty years, the growing environmental awareness worldwide has resulted in the development of a number of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). Today’s MEA’s cover many dimensions of sustainable development, including oceans, endangered species, biodiversity, climate change, ozone layer, chemicals and hazardous wastes.
Even though this impressive “body” of environmental law has been signed and ratified by a large number of countries, it remains far from fully enforced, due to the lack of adequate...
This text exists in French only.
Depuis plus de vingt ans, le monde connaît de profonds bouleversements économiques, politiques et sociaux. Si la mondialisation a eu un impact non négligeable sur l’expansion des marchés, des services et des capitaux, il est également reconnu que ces développements ont accru dans de nombreux cas les disparités sociales, à la fois entre pays et au sein des pays, et ainsi engendré de nouvelles formes d’exclusion.
L’unité de recherche TECFA (Université de Genève) et le programme STEP...