Angeline Fankhauser President of the GIAN Foundation Board - 19.07.2007
This text exists in French only.
A la suite du décès de M. Jean-Marie Dufour, Mme Angeline Fankhauser a été nommée Présidente ad interim du Conseil de Fondation du Réseau universitaire international de Genève (RUIG). Mme Fankhauser,...
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President of GIAN Foundation Board Has Passed Away - 08.07.2007
The Foundation Board, the Scientific Committee, the Executive Secretary and the staff of the Geneva International Academic Network (GIAN) regret to inform you of the death of
Mr Jean-Marie Dufour, President of the Foundation Board
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Deadline for "Small Grant" requests set for 30 June 2007 – 14.06.07
Due to the closure of the GIAN at the end of 2007, the deadline for Small Grant requests has been set for 30 June 2007. It is possible that this programme will be revived in 2008 by the Swiss Network for International Studies in Geneva which is to...
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International Media Coverage of GIAN-supported Research Project – 06.06.2007
A Media Conference took place on 5 June 2007 in Geneva to launch "Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights", a research project funded by the GIAN. This critical study of seven past and future Olympic host cities...
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New "Small Grant": Audiovisual Memory of Senegalese Migration – 08.05.07
This text exists in French only.
Ce projet de Small Grant a été développé grâce à une collaboration entre le Département de sociologie de l’Unige, l’Unité psychosociale et d’intégration culturelle de l’OIM et la Section migrations...
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New "Small Grant": Development of Geographical Tools to Help Manage Complex Emergencies – 20.04.07
This text exists in French only.
Ce projet de Small Grant, mené conjointement par l'Université de Genève et l'UNHCR, a pour ambition principale l’amélioration de la gestion des crises humanitaires où des populations ont fui leurs lieux de...
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Globalization, Migration and Human Rights: New Publication Available – 11.04.07
This text exists in French only.
Ce projet de recherche soutenu par le RUIG a réuni durant deux ans 46 chercheurs provenant de diverses disciplines et régions du monde. Les chercheurs ont intégré une donnée essentielle souvent déniée de la...
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New "Small Grant": Negotiating Alternative Trade Regimes in Latin America – 30.03.07
Trade integration initiatives are multiplying in the Americas. The free trade areas spearheaded by the United States are confronted with a more "alter-globalisation" agenda in the form of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA). Does the...
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Aconcagua to ... Zimbabwe: Research on the GIAN's Website – 14.03.2007
The "Research" section of the GIAN's website has been redesigned and improved. The major changes concern the "Research Projects and Outputs" subsection: in addition to using the internal search engine, it is now possible to use the different links...
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New "Small Grant": Certificate of Advanced Studies in Environmental Diplomacy 2007 – 28.02.07
The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the University of Geneva have developed an Environmental Diplomacy Training Programme within the framework of the Geneva...
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International Virtual Workshop on Social Protection, 5 - 31 March 2007 – 22.02.07
The ILO/STEP Programme and the Learning and Teaching Technologies Unit (TECFA) of the University of Geneva, with the support of the GIAN, are currently organising an International Virtual Workshop (V@W) that builds on the World Conference "Social...
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New "Small Grant": a Training Module on Ethics in Public Health Research Approved by the GIAN – 05.01.07
Public health research is carried out in increasingly complex and challenging environments. Such research while having the potential to benefit communities and populations also has the possibility of harming individuals who take part in this...
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New "Small Grant": Media21 - a Training Programme in Global Journalism in Geneva - 06.12.06
This text exists in French only.
Genève est un centre de gouvernance mondiale où sont discutés une grande partie des enjeux cruciaux de la planète: santé, commerce, climat, eau, efforts de paix, migrations, humanitaire, droits de l’homme,...
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Armed Non-State Actors and Landmines: Volume II Now Available - 24.11.06
At the global level, current and former non-state actors (NSAs) are contributing to humanitarian mine action, understood as activities which aim to reduce the social, economic and environmental impact of landmines and unexploded ordnance. The...
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New "Small Grant": Development of an Environmental Diplomacy Training Programme – 16.11.06
During the last twenty years, growing environmental awareness world-wide has resulted in the development of a number of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). Even though this impressive "body" of environmental law has been signed and...
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Water Resources from Glaciers - New Website Online 26.10.06
It appears that glaciers and perennial snow covers are melting and retreating as a consequence of climatic variations. As water availability from highly glacierised basins decreases down valley, populations will increasingly be in competition for...
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Nobel Peace Prize 2006 Goes to Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank – 14.10.06
Experts on microfinance, Prof. Edouard Dommen, President of the GIAN's Scientific Committee and Dr Bernd Balkenhol of the International Labour Office comment on the benefits of microfinance institutions (MFIs). They explain that while the poor...
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Marine Turtles, A Common Heritage of Humankind: Web Site of a Unique Research Project – 27.09.06
The project "Marine Turtles", begun in late 2005, is the GIAN-supported project where the term "action-oriented research" finds its most original expression.
Although the research is still in an early phase, the GIAN has elected to make the...
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Small Grant Approved: Converging Efforts for Social Protection and Inclusion from a Global Perspective - 19.09.06
This text exists in French only.
Le RUIG approuve le financement pour une plate-forme virtuelle qui réunit décideurs et experts de la protection sociale. Le projet vise à mettre en place une dynamique d’échanges durable autour des...
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The GIAN Approves Eleven Research Projects – 19.09.06
The Geneva International Academic Network (RUIG-GIAN) has approved, in the framework of its sixth annual tendering procedure, eleven projects presented by multidisciplinary research teams. Researchers include academics from the University of Geneva,...
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Africa@home – Extensive Press Coverage for GIAN-Supported Project – 22.08.06
Information on the GIAN-supported project Africa@home has made it several times around the earth. Newspapers and journals such as the Economist, Frankfurter Allgemeine, and National Geographic, as well as the Tribune de Genève, have spread the...
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Small Grant Approved: Strengthening Decision-Making Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction – 21.08.06
GIAN Approves Funding for a Comparative Case Study from Northern Pakistan.
A project coordinated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in collaboration with the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), the...
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Press Release: Volunteer Computing for African Humanitarian Causes - 13.07.06
Your PC Can Save Lives in Africa.
Geneva, 13 July 2006 – While you are sending an email or surfing the web, your computer could be helping to tackle one of Africa’s greatest humanitarian challenges, malaria. Africa@home, a project funded by the...
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Small Grant Approved: Interpreting in Zones of Crisis and War – 11.07.06
GIAN Approves Funding for a Distance-Learning Programme for Interpreters in Crisis Situations. A project coordinated by the School of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Geneva (ETI), in collaboration with the International Committee...
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Small Grant Approved: Seminar on the UN Human Rights Council – 07.07.06
GIAN approves funding for seminar on the Human Rights Council to be held in July 2006.
A project coordinated by the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), in collaboration with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human...
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Academic Pole in Geneva: Experiences Gleaned from a few US Universities - 19.05.06
How is research in international relations and cooperation with international organisations organised in American universities?
In June 2005, the Executive Secretary of the GIAN visited several prestigious US universities (Brown, City University...
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Genetic Databases: Towards a Global Ethical Framework: Experts' Consultation Meeting - 01.05.06
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the University of Geneva's Institute of Biomedical Ethics will hold an experts' consultation meeting on the GIAN-supported project "Genetic Databases: Towards a Global Ethical Framework", on 8 – 9 May 2006 at...
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Call for Proposals 2006 Closed - 27.04.06
The deadline for the reception of projects in the framework of the GIAN’s sixth annual Call for Proposals was 26 April 2006. Some thirty project proposals were submitted. We are pleased to note that the project proposals cover a large spectrum of...
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The GIAN's 2005 Annual Report Now Available – 03.03.06
This text exists in French only.
En 2005, le RUIG a poursuivi sa mission de promotion de collaborations entre le monde universitaire et celui des organisations internationales dans le cadre de projets de recherche. Plusieurs projets...
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Modifications to the "Small Grant" Programme Regulations – 03.03.06
At its session of 3 March 2006, the GIAN's Foundation Board modified the regulations pertaining to its "Small Grants" programme. As a number of worthwhile "Small Grants" proposals were unable to pass the selection process due to the "urgency"...
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Une enquête sur la microfinance pour orienter les bailleurs de fonds - L'Agefi, 01.12.05
L’éditorial de "L’Agefi" du 4 novembre sur le thème de la microfinance nécessite quelques clarifications.
La recherche mise en question est menée conjointement par le BIT, l’Université de Genève, l’Institut universitaire d’études du développement...
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Mental Health and Human Rights - Project Approved by the GIAN in 2002 - 01.12.05
End Human Rights Violations Against People with Mental Health Disorders
December 10: International Human Rights Day
Geneva - The World Health Organization (WHO) is dedicating International Human Rights Day, 10 December, to people with...
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Agir contre la maltraitance des aînés, c'est leur redonner une dignité - 23.11.05
La maltraitance des personnes âgées est dans nos sociétés un phénomène malheureusement répandu, quoique largement occulté. Tout au plus est-il porté à l'attention du public lors d'excès graves, alors que l'on suppose que les personnes âgées...
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Daniel Mange and Martine Rahier Join the Scientific Committee - 22.11.05
The Geneva International Academic Network (RUIG-GIAN) is pleased to announce that two scholars of international stature will be joining its Scientific Committee:
Mr Daniel Mange is Honorary Professor at the School of Computer and Communication...
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Elder Abuse and Neglect - Press release 20.11.05
Elder Abuse and Neglect: Opening Pandora’s Box.
Global Prevention and Intervention Strategies for an Under-Reported Phenomenon.
Until very recently elder abuse, the mistreatment of older people, had been a social problem hidden from the public...
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Work in Crisis Situations - 17.11.05
Decent Work to Rebuild Lives and Livelihoods after Crisis.
Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, wars and conflicts shatter lives and livelihoods. During and after the immediate humanitarian intervention, rebuilding lives and livelihoods through...
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Call for Project Proposals 2006 - 16.11.05
The GIAN invites interested parties to submit project proposals that include a strong research component in the framework of its annual tendering procedure. A minimum funding package of CHF 1.8 million will be available in 2006 for projects that are...
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The GIAN Concludes its 2005 Tendering Procedure - 15.11.05
The GIAN Concludes its 2005 Tendering Procedure.
The Geneva International Academic Network (RUIG-GIAN) has approved, in the framework of its fifth Annual Tendering Procedure, eight projects presented by multidisciplinary research teams....
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L’eau: source d'une fructueuse collaboration internationale - 15.11.05
Le travail en réseau est une formidable occasion de comparer les différentes solutions à un problème d’envergure... et d’élargir le réseau de collaborations internationales. Des géographes de l’UNIL l’ont expérimenté au sein du Réseau universitaire...
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Ceremony for the recipients of GIAN grants in 2005 - 12.11.05
The GIAN has the pleasure of inviting you to a ceremony for the recipients of GIAN grants in 2005.
On 22 November 2005, at 11:00 am, at the Villa Rigot, avenue de la Paix 9, Geneva (guaranteed parking at the Villa Rigot, near the Place des...
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Humanitarian Negociation - "UN Special" the 20.10.05
"Humanitarian Negotiation: A Handbook for Securing Access, Assistance and Protection for Civilians in Armed Conflicts", How many humanitarian workers have walked empty-handed out of a government office, emerged frustrated from a long meeting with...
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Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers - 18.10.05
GIAN finances a Joint United Nations Economic Commission for Europe / University of Geneva Environment Research Team
A joint United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) - University of Geneva environmental research team has just been...
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