Nouveau "Small Grant": le RUIG approuve le développement d'un module de formation sur l'éthique dans la recherche en santé publique – 05.01.07
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Public health research is carried out in increasingly complex and challenging environments. Such research while having the potential to benefit communities and populations also has the possibility of harming individuals who take part in this research. Numerous guidance documents exist, but there is limited experience and expertise in developing countries in their interpretation and application, not only by the research team but also by the ethics review committees. There is an urgent need to develop capacity-building approaches that take into account local contexts and realities.
The Geneva International Academic Network (GIAN) has approved funding for the development, implementation and evaluation of a training module on ethics in public health research. The project, coordinated by the World Health Organisation in collaboration with the University of Geneva Medical School, the Graduate Institute of International Studies, the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Southern California Law School has been awarded SFr 50,000 in the framework of GIAN's "Small Grants" programme.
The general objective of the project is to develop and evaluate training materials in the area of research ethics. A case book on research ethics will be compiled drawing on examples from various regions of the world. This will be pilot tested and evaluated through workshops conducted by the partners in different countries before being finalised. A modular internet-based training tool will be developed based on the case studies. At the same time, a Communities of Practice (CoP) will be established using available databases and list-serves. The internet-based training tool will be evaluated by piloting it through the established CoP, and a final version produced.