Réseau universitaire international de Genève
Geneva International Academic Network

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Globalisaton and Social Protection: Health

Research Project

Social Challenge of Development: Globalisation, Inequalities and Social Protection

> see the project description


Health care commercialisation and the embedding of inequality
English | [552 ko] > download
Health care reform and inequality of access to health care in Bulgaria
English | [570 ko] > download
Commercialization of Medical Care and Household Behaviour in Transitional Russia
English | [1370 ko] > download
Health and health care inequalities in Switzerland : a brief review of the literature
English | [684 ko] > download
Health care inequity in South Africa and the public/private mix
English | [1012 ko] > download
Globalization and its effects on health care and occupational health in Vietnam
English | [1084 ko] > download
Politique de santé communautaire et viabilité économique et sociale des centres de santé au Mali : Etude de cas en milieu urbain et rural
French | [558 ko] > download