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Exploring Criteria and Conditions for Engaging Armed Non-state Actors to Respect Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law


Mr Pascal Bongard .

Prof Marco Sassòli .

Research Project

Exploring Criteria and Conditions for Engaging Armed Non-State Actors to Respect Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law

> see the project description


armed conflicts - armed non-state actors - human rights - international humanitarian law


Contemporary armed conflict increasingly involves non-state armed groups and asymmetrical warfare. Some of these armed groups have turned to acts of terrorism and targeting of civilians – even though such tactics are expressly forbidden by international humanitarian law.

The proliferation of non-state armed groups raises a host of legal issues. To what extent are these non-state actors subject to international humanitarian law? What measures can enhance respect for international humanitarian law by non-state armed groups? How can reciprocity play a role in promoting proper conduct by such groups?


Exploring Criteria and Conditions for Engaging Armed Non-state Actors to Respect Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law
English | [1563 ko] > download