Réseau universitaire international de Genève
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Reformuler la problématique: la coalition de l'OMC sur la propriété intellectuelle et la santé publique, 2001


Mme Susan K. Sell , Université George Washington .

Projet de recherche

Pays en voie de développement et processus de négociation commerciale

> voir le descriptif du projet


Economie internationale - Négociations - OMC - Propriété intellectuelle - Santé publique


Ce résumé n'existe qu'en anglais

In November 2001 the World Trade Organization’s ministerial conference in Doha adopted a Declaration on the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Public Health. The process that led to this declaration is one of the most interesting episodes in recent international economic negotiations. A coalition lacking obvious power achieved significant, unexpected gains despite careful opposition from powerful transnational corporate firms and their home governments. This paper seeks both to explain this puzzling outcome and to consider whether it suggests any generalizations that are likely to be useful in other cases as well.


Reframing the Issue: the WTO Coalition on Intellectual Property and Public Health, 2001
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