Procedure for Participating in the Call for Project Proposals
Each project is placed under the academic responsibility of a "project coordinator".
The project coordinator must submit to the GIAN, in electronic form and also hard copy, a project summary of 5-15 pages in English or French plus annexes. The submission, post-marked by 26 April 2006, must include the following elements:
- The GIAN cover sheet (or equivalent information);
- A brief summary of the project (1 page maximum).
- A brief overview of the field of research including an exposé of the topic to be treated, emphasising the originality and the urgency of the problems to be examined;
- A summary of the research methods to be employed;
- A summary of the partnership envisaged between the academic world and international organisations with a list of members of the project team and brief information on each of the team members;
- A bibliography of essential works that the project team will refer to in its research;
- An estimation of the results expected and their future utilisation;
- A time-table indicating the major stages of the research process;
- A budget estimate and detailed information concerning the utilisation of GIAN funding and additional funds or in-kind contributions provided by other sources (see Standard Budget ), in Swiss Francs (SFr);
- Information concerning the infrastructure and other means necessary for the implementation of the project (to be considered as in-kind contributions);
- Letters of engagement from the team members and different participating institutions indicating their contribution to the project. The contribution (time commitment, financial and/or in-kind contributions, etc.) must be assigned monetary values and be reflected in the budget. Rules regarding personnel are the same as those in force at the University of Geneva. An electronic version of these letters is helpful but not required.