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Guidelines for Employment in Crises

Research Project

Strengthening the Employment and Related Socio-Economic Dimensions in Response to Conflict and Natural Disaster Situations

> see the project description


Crisis - Employment - Reconstruction


This publication is a result of the research project “Strengthening Employment in Response to Crises.” The participants have sought to encapsulate the project’s key recommendations in the 10 Guidelines for Employment-Friendly Recovery in this volume. These represent the final concentration of the knowledge generated by the project’s research. Though they do not constitute a comprehensive guide, they serve as simple action points for crisis response practitioners and policy-makers. The participants believe they should be further disseminated and applied in any recovery or reconstruction project.

All crisis response actors seek to promote the wellbeing of those affected by crises, and this research project has identified many specific methods of boosting job creation and incomes. This, in turn, increases the sustainability of recovery and links immediate relief to long-term development. I believe the ten guidelines and other recommendations in this volume will help make employment and socioeconomic concerns top priorities as we continue to face the challenges of crises.


Guidelines for Employment in Crises
English | [2047 ko] > download