Expert Meeting on "Enhancing the Participation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise in Global Value Chains" – Palais des Nations, Geneva, 18-19 October 2007, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
A two-day expert meeting on the topic of a GIAN-funded research project "Enhancing the Participation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise in Global Value Chains", is being organised by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The UNCTAD has jointly carried out this GIAN-supported research with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the University of Geneva and the University of Fribourg.
The objectives of this meeting are:
- to contribute towards raising international awareness and sharing best practices on how to increase the participation of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) into global value chains (GVCs)
- to identify policy alternatives and support measures for strengthening the supply capacity of developing countries, by enhancing the competitiveness of domestic small and medium enterprises and promoting their integration into the world economy
The following issues will be discussed:
- Are the business environment reforms currently being undertaken sufficient to increase the participation of SMEs into GVCs?
- How can governments address SME supply-side constraints in their development plans, and how can donor agencies and private sector partners work together to relieve these constraints?
- What are the "best practices" in successful supplier development programmes?
More information on the meeting is available on the website,
Related Project(s)
Annual Call for Projects 2004
The New Configuration and Management Techniques of Value Chains of Global Enterprises and the Resulting Consequences for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in North and South
Related Output(s)
Enhancing the Role of SMEs in Global Value Chains
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