Réseau universitaire international de Genève
Geneva International Academic Network
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Organisations Involved in the Projects
Academic Organisations
University of Geneva
University Centre for International Humanitarian Law
University Centre of Human Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Law
Department of Constitutional Law
Department of Commercial Law
Departement of Public International Law
Department of Penal Law
High Commercial Studies
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Biomedical Ethics
Institute of Legal Medicine
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
Institute of History of Medecine and Health
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
Department of Political Economy
Department of Econometry
Department of Sociology
Laboratory of Demography and Family Studies
Laboratory of Applied Economy
Department of Political Sciences
Laboratory of Applied Social and Political Research
Department of Geography
Interdisciplinary Programme in Humanitarian Action
Commercial Studies
International Organizations MBA
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Training and Learning Technologies Unit
Cognitive Psychopathology and Neuropsychology Unit
Information Systems Department
Inter-Faculty Center for Gerontology
School of Translation and Interpreting
Multilingual Department of Traductology and Translation
English Unit
Institute of Architecture
Institute of Social Studies
University Centre of Information Technology
University Hospitals of Geneva
Department of Radiology and Medical IT
Réseau de télé-enseignement et de télémédecine en Afrique francophone
Department of Community Medicine and First Recourse
Faculty of Sciences
Section of Biology
Department of Anthropology and Ecology
Department of Zoology and Animal Biology
Department of Inorganic, Analytical and Applied Chemistry
Department of Earth Sciences
Forel Institute
Computer Sciences Department
European Institute of the University of Geneva
Faculty of Arts
Section of Philosophy and History
Departement of Philosophy
Department of General History
Linguistics Departement
Laboratory of Language Analysis and Language Technology
Department of Mediterranean, Slavonic and Oriental Languages and Literature
Chinese Studies Unit
Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences
Sustainability and Public or Private Environmental Management
General Fund of the University
Institute of Environmental Sciences
University of Niamey (Niger)
Department of Geography
Laboratory of Studies and Research on Social Dynamics and Local Devlopment
Graduate Institute of International Studies
Small Arms Survey
Programme for the Study of International Organization(s)
Department of Political Science
Department of International History and Politics
Department of International Law
Department of international economics
Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies
Graduate Institute of Development Studies
Research Group on Environment and Governance
Biosafety Interdisciplinary Network
Gender and Development Pole
University of Lausanne
Faculty of Social and Political Science
Institute of social and pedagogical science
Institute for political and international studies
Science, Politics and Society Observatory
Institute of Social and Economic History
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environment
Institute for Land Management Policy and the Human Environment
Institute of geography
Institute of Geomatic and Risk Analyze
Science-Society Interface
Foundation of the 450th Birthday
Sciences, Life, Society Programme
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
Department of agricultural engineering
School of Architecture, Civil and Environment Engineering
Institute of Urban and Regional Planning & Design
Laboratory of Urban Sociology
Study Group on the Spatiality of Risks
International affairs
University of Bern
Institute of public law
Centre of Interfacultary Coordination for General Ecology
University Lyon 2
House of the Mediterranean Orient
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management
New York University
School of Law
University of Toronto
University Paris XII Val de Marne
UFR of Economic Sciences and Management
Speech, Picture, Texts, Writings and Communications Centre of Studies
United Nations University (Tokyo)
Institut of advanced studies
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
Institut for Environmental Engineering
Center for Security Studies
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Centre for Law and Globalisation
International Institute for Management Development
Swiss Tropical Institute
University of Fribourg
Sree Chitra Tirunal Insitute for medical sciences and technology
Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies (India)
Geneva International Peace Research Institute
Centre of Study and Discovery of Marine Turtles (Reunion Island)
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Reunion Island)
University of Western Cape (South Africa)
School of Public Health
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom)
Department of public health and policy
Health policy unit
University College London (United Kingdom)
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
University of Zürich
Institute of Social Studies
University of Southern California
School of International Relations
Keck School of Medecine
School of Law
Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics
Dalhousie University (Canada)
Centre for foreign policy studies
Dalhousie University, Canada
University of California - Berkeley
Departement of political sciences
University of Basel
University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar
George Washington University
The Elliott School of International Affairs
Georgetown University
Department of computer science
University of Oxford
Global Economic Governance Programme
Department of Political Sciences and International Relations
Centre for International Studies
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Mexique
Princeton University
Woodrow Wilson School of public and international affairs
Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Department of Economics and Business
Bryant University, USA
Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies
University of Michigan
Center for Risk Science and Communication
University of Bamako
Research Institute for Development, Orléans
Societies and Health Department
Saint Joseph University, Beirut
Medical Faculty
Lorient High School of Art
University of Hamburg
Institute for the Research of Peace and a Security Policy
The University of Sheffield
School of Law
McGill University
Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Family Medicine
Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of World Economy and International Relations
School of Peace of Grenoble, France
Paris X University, Nanterre
Cergy-Pontoise University, Paris
Diderot University, Paris 7
Paris-Sud 11 University
Jean Monnet Faculty
School of High Studies in Social Sciences
National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economy, Rabat
University Paris 1, Pantheon Sorbonne
Institute of Demography
Latinoamerican Faculty of Social Sciences, Costa Rica
Free University of Brussels
Catholic University of Louvain
Department of International Law
Mexico City College
University of Buenos Aires
Montevideo University
The Universty of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaïca
Department of Geography and Geology
Cornell University, New York
Weill Medical College
Catholic Pontifical University of Chile, Santiago
Faculty of Medecine
School of Medicine
Center of Geriatry and Gerontology
Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech
Marrakech Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty
University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
University of Tuzla, Bosnia
Faculty of Philosophy
High School of Social Work
University for Peace
Regional Institute for Development Studies
High School of Management, Geneva
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
Nouakchott University, Mauritania
Bamenda University, Cameroon
Rikkyo University, Japan
Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Law
The University of Tokyo
Harvard University
School of Public Health
Department of Population and International Health
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
University of Milan
Yonsei University, Korea
Israel Science and Technology
Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies
Al-Quds University, Jerusalem
Colombian Institute of Immunology Foundation
Colombian Institute for the Progress of Science and Technology
Center of National Investigation and Popular Education
Swiss Academy of Social Sciences
Swiss Society for Research in Education
Institute of Development studies, Kolkata
Venice University
The London School of Economics and Political Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University Mohammed the First, Oujda, Morocco
Tamagawa University, Tokyo
Lisbon University
University of São Paulo
Laval University, Québec
McMaster University , Canada
University of Cambridge
University of Toliara, Madagascar
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
University of Aarhus, School of Law, Danemark
Lund University, Sweden
International Organisations
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
World Health Organization
Ageing and Health
Reproductive Health and Research
Department of Knowledge Management and Sharing
Ethics and Health
Mental Health
Health and Human Rights
Legislation, Health
Library & Information Networks for Knowledge
Water, Sanitation and Health
Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention
Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response Department
Department of Research Policy & Cooperation
Evidence and Information for Policy
Ageing and Life Course Programme
Regional Office for Europe
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The Statistics Division
United Nations Environment Programme
Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics
Economics and Trade Branch
Capacity Building Task Force on Trade, Environment and Development UNEP-UNCTAD
Division of Early Warning and Assessment
Division of Environmental Policy Implementation, Post-Conflict Branch
Finance Initiative
Africa Task Force
Division of Regional Cooperation
Regional Office for Europe
Division of Early Warning and Assessment
Global Resource Information Database - Europe
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Shelter and Sustainable Human Settlements Development Division
Safer Cities Programme
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Division of International Protection Services
Legal and Protection Policy Research
Department of Operations
Division of Operational Services
Programme Coordination and Operational Support Section
Division of External Relations
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
International Centre for Local Actors Training
International Organization for Migration
Research and Publication Division
Migration Policy and Research
OIM, Rome
World Trade Organisation
Division of Linguistic Services and Documentation
Technical Assistance and Training Courses
International Labour Organisation
International Institute for Labour Studies
Social Protection Sector
Social Dialogue Sector
The Policy Integration Department
the Statistical Development and Analysis Group
International Policy Group
Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Sector
Employment Sector
Universal Networking Digital Language Foundation
World Meteorological Organisation
United Nations Development Programme
Crisis Prevention and Recovery
Advisory Center on WTO Law
World Intellectual Property Organization
Intellectual Property and New Technologies Division
WIPO Worldwide Academy
Policy Development
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Centre for Enterpreneurship, SMEs and Local Development
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Trade and Sustainable Development Section
Programmes and Activities
Division Africa, Least Developed Countries, Land-locked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Legislation and Compliance Unit
World Conservation Union
Species Programme
Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy
The World Conservation Union
The World Conservation Union in Pakistan
United Nations Mine Action Service
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Division of Legal and Commercial Practice
Economic Analysis Division
Trade Division
Economic Cooperation and Integration Division
Public-Private Partnerships Alliance
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
Information Management Unit
United Nations Office for Project Services
Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace, United Nations Office in Genev
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
International Bureau of Education
Network of UNESCO Chairs in Communication
International Migrations and Multicultural Policies Section
Liaison Office Geneva
Man and Biosphere Programme
South Centre
Global Governance for Development
South Center
United Nations Office at Geneva
Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Information Service UNOG
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous Peoples
UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing
Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO)
Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces
European Centre for Peace and Development, Serbia and Montenegro
Convention on Biological Biodiversity
Coordination Organization for Struggle Against Contagions in Central Africa, Cameroon
Economic and Monetarian Community of Central Africa, Central African Republic
African Intellectual Property Organization, Cameroon
European Organization for Nuclear Research
World Bank
NGO and others
International Social Security Association
Realize Association
Aga Khan Development Network
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
Rural Development
Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS), Pakistan
Association Belongings
Association Osmijeh (Bosnia)
Medica Zenica (Bosnia)
HealthNet TPO (Netherlands)
HUMD (Bosnia)
Summer University on Human Rights
World Organisation against Torture
International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development
Council on Health Research for Development
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
Geneva Environment Network
World Wide Fund for Nature International
Africa & Madagascar Programme
West Indian Ocean Programme Office
Geneva Call
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Intenational Conference Volunteers
Software Without Borders
Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information
Health on the Net Foundation
Resource Optimization Initiative
Doctors Without Borders
(acting in an individual capacity)
International Detention Coalition
Human Rights Watch
(acting in an individual capacity)
World Federation of United Nations Associations
International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces
Swisspeace - Swiss Peace Foundation
Geneva Center for Security Policy
Geneva Centre for Security Policy
European Training Course in Security Policy
New Issues in Security Course
Interpeace - International Peacebuilding Alliance
Natural History Museum of the City of Geneva
The Business Humanitarian Forum
The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships
HelpAge International
Africa Regional Development Centre, Kenya
Tsao foundation, Singapore
Spanish Society of Geriatry and Gerontology, Madrid
Together Foundation, Slovenia
Gender in Action Network
Ascode Association
Observatoire de la Finance
Organization for Policy Evaluation and Assessment of Japan
International Environment Forum
Academic Society of Vaud
Ford Foundation
Global Forum for Health Research
Schmidheiny Foundation
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
Research and Applications for Alternative Financing for Development
Quaker United Nations Office
Foundation for Population, Migration and Environment
Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences
Academic Society of Geneva
Swiss Solidarity
Euro-Mediterranean Non-Governmental Platform
Greek Helsinki Monitor
Observatory of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The Greens New South Wales
Engineers Against Poverty
Human Development Resource Centre
International Council on Human Rights Policy
The Human Rights at Work Foundation
Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation
States & Public Collectivities
Swiss Confederation
Canton of Vaud
Department of Training and Youth
State of Geneva
Ministry of Interior, Agriculture and Environment
City of Geneva
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Division Conflict Prevention and Transformation
Swiss Foundation of the International Social Service
Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil Research Station
Swiss Committee of International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the WTO and the EFTA (UN/ECE, UNCTAD, ITC)
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications
Swiss National Science Foundation
Ministry of Social Policy, Displaced People and Refugees
Ministry of Social Affairs
National Center for Scientific Research
United States of America
United States Institute of Peace
Province of Catalonia
La Mina District Consortium
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
Institute of Aged People and Social Services
State of Victoria
Department for Victorian Communities
Office of Senior Victorians
New South Wales
Rio de Janeiro State
City of Rio de Janeiro
Costa Rica
Municipality of San Jose
National Hospital of Geriatry and Gerontology
Centre for Legal and Judicial Training
Superintendence of Industry and Commerce
Ivory Coast
Burkina Faso
Privat Companies
Novartis Pharma AG
Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research
Switcher SA
Swiss Television
Investment Support, Warsaw
Médecine & Hygiène Editors
Onex Medical Group